Campfire Spooky Smores

Level: Easy
serves 10 people
Our favourite kit re-invented for Haloween. You’ll bake the perfect cookie, learn how to maka ganache and the best part a huge marshmallow spider web.

Spooky spiders, candy corn, and a skull head lollipop.


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Pro Tip from Chef Mel

Make 12 individual smores pizzas for a dinner party, let each person decorate their own dessert by making the cookie dough in advance. Keep some of that cookie frozen for Netflix night to bake off the perfect cookies.

Bonus! You can snack on this Smores pizza all week long – just pop it in the microwave for 20 seconds before serving it up.

Included in Your Smores Experience:

From Your Kitchen 

Included in Your Kit Ingredients 

Included Tools & Utensils 

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